Getting Started
Once you create an account, the first step is to start a project:
Choose a name for the project
Choose a project type (supports span-based, character-based annotation, OCR Annotation and Image Classification)
Choose the primary document language: This step is important as it determines the tokenization to produce the annotation
Write a detailed description for your project with guideline specifications for each entity
Input your entity types: You can either add entities manually by adding name, color and shortcut for each entity or you can upload a CSV file by clicking on "+ Add new label set" containing three seperate columns: entity name, shortcut and the color code.
Input your relation types: You can either add relations manually by adding name and shortcut for each relation or upload a CSV file by clicking on "+ Add new label set" containing relation names and associated shortcuts.
Input your class types: You can choose binary (positive/negative), single class or multi-class for text classification
Save your project
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