
Teams provide an efficient method for collaborating on your projects with others. Members added to your team can be invited to review documents, collaborate, and manage any shared projects.

Access your teams by selecting the "Team" option in the sidebar.

Note: Creating your own team required an upgraded offer. You can follow the “Upgrade offer” button to get information on how to upgrade.

Inviting members

1- This is your own team in which you can add and remove members.

2- This is an example of a team that you got invited to. You can only invite member to your own team.

3- To add a new member, click the “Invite users” button.

Enter the email address(es) for the member(s) you’d like to invite and click “Invite users”.

Note: Invited members who don’t have an account on Kudra will receive an email prompting them to sign up in order to be able to join your team.

Adding project collaborators

1- Navigate to the project documents screen (Projects -> Click “More details” on your sought project)

2- Click the highlighted button above.

3- Select the member you’d like to invite

4- Click “Done” and an invitation will be sent to the invited user’s mailbox.

5- Once a team member is added as a collaborator to a project, they will be prominently displayed at the top, as highlighted above. You will then be able to assign them to review project documents.

Viewing your shared projects

You can view the projects you’re collaborating on in the main projects screen -> “Shared with me” section:

Last updated