Getting Started

Creating a project

- From the sidebar, select “Projects”

- Click “+ New Project”

- Enter a name and a description for your new project and click “Next >”

- Kudra supports three different type of projects, Generative (based on generative AI models), Pre-trained (pre-built models for a specific document type) and Custom (User's own custom workflow). Click on any template to display the corresponding details such as the labels list.

- On the right panel, you can toggle which labels should be extracted from your invoice documents.

- Click “Next >”

- You are now in the documents upload page, the last part of the project creation process.

- Use one of the available options to upload your files. In this guide, we are going to browse local files and upload an Invoice document.

- After you’ve uploaded your files, click “Extract >”

Viewing results

- Click on “More Details >” to navigate to the project documents screen

- Click on the document row in the table to navigate to the annotation screen and see the results.

- In the annotation screen, you can switch between image view and text view to display the annotated content.

- The right panel contains the list of all extracted entities, clicking on one will highlight the corresponding annotated text in the document view.

Last updated